Journalismus Studieren

Journalismus studieren

Die Curtin Universität bietet interessante IMG_3212_01Journalismus Programme

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Undergraduate Courses

Bachelor of Arts (Media and Information) Journalism Major
The Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) forges a strong link between the theoretical and practical work of journalism. It combines professional outcomes, scholarly creativity, technological skills and intellectually demanding academic study with an emphasis on deeper understandings, as well as the chance for innovative, cutting-edge project work.

Postgraduate Courses

Graduate Diploma in Journalism
This course provides an intensive professional program in journalism. It combines core units in media ethics and media law with units in newspaper, radio and television production. Students enrolled in the program will publish or broadcast their work through The Western Independent, Curtin FM 100.1 and Channel 31.

Curtin University of Technology, Perth CRICOS Provider Code 00301J
Curtin University of Technology, Sydney CRICOS Provider Code 02637B




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